Monday, August 1, 2011

DB's super encouraging reports #2: Nicaragua first half

Nicaragua: travelling through day 3


Ted and I left on Friday afternoon arrived in Managua on Sat afternoon.  The flight was amazing as we somehow were placed in first class.  I think regular travel has been ruined for me.  Our flight out of Houston was filled with at least 5 other mission teams and that in itself is encouraging.  Living Water is very professional and picked us up and whisked us to Leon.

Our team consists of 10 people, all either alone or in pairs - 4 women, 6 men, mostly in their late 20's and a couple of 19 year olds.  It's funny that we came together only because a church pulled their funding and their team.  We were the “replacements”.  Because we had to work together, I worried about what kind of people we'd meet.  In particular to know if their theology matched up with mine so that our fellowship may be true.  We were independents, baptists, etc... coming from mega churches to family churches and all were salvation-by-grace-through-faith-in-Christ, Sovereign-God, Holy-scripture type people.  Even here I see the amazing sovereignty of God working to bring us together.  I think often times, we tend to believe that there are not many who hold and defend truth, but it's a testament to scripture that people who couldn't be more different and have never spoken agree on the TRUTH.  And much like God gives us grace then pours more good things on us, these people were hard workers, open and great friends.  I should note that there were some issues, but I'd like to leave that off of here.  You can ask me in person.

Verse of today revolves on the joy I feel in finding those who are not only saved, but have put a high value on God’s Word.

make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. – Phil 1:2


On Sunday, we held service at the village.  Having church in other cultures makes me think of how various and wide worship is.  How all these different faces, talents and their specific gifts are fragments that make up a whole worship that is beautiful so far exceeding my imagination that I don’t know what I don’t know.  But I must include 2 temptations that enter the mind.  We are amazed at the spontaneity and expressive emotions and call it more genuine or from a deeper source.  The second is in think that we know the better way to run the church.  Both stem from an idea that such churches are “quaint” or primal and in our arrogance we assume that we can make everything better.

Verse of today mirrors what I have seen in part today and anticipate the day when I shall see in full.

After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands; and they cry out with a loud voice, saying,   “Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” – Rev 7:9-10

Monday saw us on the job.  Let me just get this out of the way once.  It’s hot.  HOT and humid.  We wear long sleeves and pants in non-breathing rainboots.  The work consists of digging, transferring buckets of water and we’re behind schedule.  If you know me, you know I value efficiency so when I perceive that people aren’t pulling their weight or are more interested in taking pictures, I get frustrated.  But I recall that our main purpose here isn’t that.  So the weather and the work conspire to even at the first to rob me of joy.  I’m exhausted.  The food is great and the living area has a surprising amount of comfort.  No one wants to go to bed but after dinner we share our stories and unburden our hearts, overflowing with emotions and thoughts of what God is doing among us.  It’s the ember-warm feeling of contentment from a hard day’s work serving the Lord in a visible way combined with the fellowship of the saints.

Verse of today is self-stabbing of my priorities.  God’s glory in redemption though His son, Christ Jesus.

But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; 42 but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” – Luke 10:41-42


I am super excited for the rest of this trip.  I’m loving the adventure of a new country, of new people and of doing a practical service for God’s people.  The village is great and there are so many kids who just want to spend time with us.  Already in this trip we’ve known disappointments and victories.  We’ve had chances to love, chances to serve and chances to be forgiven.  We mess up, it’s clear, but God’s purpose in us and through us will not be thwarted.


Pray for strength.  Physical labor mixed with the emotional strain of loving is tiring.  Praise God that we’ve fixed some of the issues that were slowing us down.  Pray for water and that the pastor would be able to use this vehicle to do his work in this area.  Pray that love would be apparent in all my actions and that pride not find purchase in my actions.  Let God’s glory be first and only and all other things be done because of it and to point to it.

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