I guess I've always been interested in some sort of science. Apparently in kindergarten when they asked people to draw what they wanted to be when they grew up, I drew a guy with a telescope and said, "Scientist".
In high school, I think I tried to run a few social experiments. Some on me, some on others. Like there was this one period where I wore only black (but I wasn't goth, OKAY!!). Another time went 3 years without wearing jeans (you don't want to know) and there was a time when I chose not to speak to anyone during school except when it was necessary (seriously, you don't).
But by far the most out there was for one year (or was it a semester) I was really really
really really nice (Yeah, I know I am already super nice but this was including verbal niceness). You read that right. I think to most people that's almost unimaginable, a complete alternate-universe, twilight zone moment. (by coincidence and seriously purely coincidence I did end up with a girlfriend by the end of that year).
Anyway, I was just thinking about that recently (and laughing). And all the conclusions had a common theme. I'm WEIRD. Er, was weird back then - I'm UBER cool now. But if I wasn't, would I have picked up the hobbies I enjoy most (most are done alone)? Anyway, so if I ask you not to touch me, or am doing something not normal, you may be taking part in my next experiment.
PS, randomly Junia mentioned if I had Aspergers. I was thinking I don't usually eat vegi patties but an asparagus-burger sounds interesting, but then I looked it up. NO, I'm just normally socially awkward okay?
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