Monday, August 1, 2011

Coasta Maya: Mexico part 1

I guess randomly a buddy of mine asked if I wanted to tag along to Mexico with him. Well, I hadn't been and since he was planning it all, I was down. I'll post a few representative photos and you can see the rest on facebook.

Mex 651 Mexico was HOT. Fortunately the coast is breezy. anywhere remotely inland has NO wind and is stifling.

Mex 826 Hotel row is crazy. Like 15 miles long and each resort is HUGE. Plus the area around it is like transplanted America. Why would you trap yourself in one of these?

Mex 822Of course, they have a few signature, "You're in Mexico" stuff. Unfortunately, we weren't able to find time to go in. Next time.

Mex 743Aparently the place to party in Playa Del Carmen.

Mex 759Perfect beaches

Mex 309Jerry on a "Mexican Harley"

Mex 767Remember what I said about "Why would you be here?" Well, I stayed at one for a couple of days and for it, it was pretty sweet.

Mex 756Considering I was here to crash her 25 person wedding, Cathy (the girl on the right), was surprisingly cool with it.

Mex 770Best part of an all inclusive? Unlimited Mexican cokes.

Next time I'll start on the actually doing stuff of the trip.

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