Monday, August 1, 2011

North fork, American River

Right, so this weekend I had a chance to camp and go rafting.  I like camping and it gives me a chance to try out some new gear.

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Ah, the dinner of champions.

This is a stick adapter. It's like $1 for a set of 4 (one of which I promptly lost) But it's a handy way to not burn a stick and cook stuff. I like it.
I got to try out my knife too. But I got too juiced while trying to start a fire so wouldn't you know it, I cut myself (rule 1, always cut away from body parts).
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One of those, if I don't see it - it'll be fine deals.

Unfortunately, it didn't stop bleeding so I had to take a closer look.

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As you can see, the fat and muscle tissue shows so it's kinda serious. At least this means my knife was really really sharp (yay). Sigh, so I guess there's just one thing I can do now.

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Yup, duct tape fixes everything. See? You can hardly tell there's anything wrong.

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Later on, I got it "professionally" looked at.

At least right now (We'll see about infection, etc...) going was a great choice. It's a class 4 rapids for the first half and calmer in the second. My guide was awesome and he kept doing crazy stuff the other rafts wouldn't. He'd also tell us how people always die, or how sometimes guides have bad days too - Oh but never at this river and of course, he's on his A+ game today.... right. Anyway, his antics got us stuck under a "wave" and one of the ladies got "toastered" (you know, imagine the bread getting shot out).
Though I had reservations about the other rafters as they were older, they were cool. One was an older couple who invited me to go sailing with them (they live on a sailboat in Alameda). It's hard to tell, but in the videos, we're always laughing - even as we're hitting rough patches, they get ejected or plastered with water. It only egged the guide on to do more stuff and of course, led to more enjoyment for us. The North Fork of the American River is a Class 4 for the first 5mi, class 2-3 for the last 5. It only runs from May to June and water temps are 50. The rapids aren't always the most spectacular looking, but the class 4 part is strung together and make for an exciting day.
Here are a couple photos I took while rafting. You can see a couple videos on my facebook.

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The North Fork has some of the best scenic views

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What it looks like after you get ejected from the raft.

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