Monday, August 1, 2011

Savage Garden

No, I don't particularly like the band, but I did listen to it often because... uh... my sister really really liked it. But, there is an update on some of my plants

Impressed? Why does it look like a pile of sand? Because it is at the moment, but it 2 months, I expect it to be spectacular - U. Sandersonii

This one is new too, but it came in better shape. I wonder when it'll flower. Pinguicula Kohres

After a full year of having it, it's doing pretty well. There are about 5 or so plants squished together. It's the B-52 variety with the traps as large as quarters - Dionaea muscipula

This is a similar plant but called "dentate" since the ends of the traps look like teeth. Cool - Dionaea muscipula

It's sort of going into it's winter hybernation state. But the plant looks like little spoons - D. Intermedia

Ah the "prize" of my collection. Unfortunately, I didn't water it for a while and removed the greenhouse. 50/50 on whether it adapts to the relative low humidity and cold or I have to stick it back in again. Bicalcarata

This is a forked sundew. I kind of don't like it, but it's pretty novel. It's readapting so looks slightly lame - Drosera Binata

If you ever wonder if my plants eat anything, my most efficient killer is the regular sundew. I've seen it get everything from knats to wasps. It's also like a weed. I have like 10 of these plants - Drosera Capensis

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