Monday, August 1, 2011

DB's super encouraging reports #1: Support Letter

First, thank you for your interest in.... me, well, at least some of the work that God is doing through me.

If you didn't know, I am headed off to Nicaragua to dig a well with Living Water International and then to Mexico to work with Frontera Missions.


I'll be travelling to the Leon area to dig a well.  Nicaragua is the second most poor nation in the Americas and one of the key issues is the lack of infrastructure.  Not only does lack of clean water mean that most people spend much of their energy finding it, but it is also a means by which they are kept poor.  Much of their wages go into purchasing clean water or treating illnesses that come with drinking contaminated water.  As 90% of diseases are water borne, this is the first step in changing not only individual lives but ultimately a nations.

Personally, it's hard to identify with this.  When camping, people are skittish drinking river water that is purified.  And if fact, I just received medicine so that in case I do have a reaction (diarrhea) I can take them to be more comfortable.  People there don't have this.  Furthermore, I'm not really sure what to expect from the village.

Prayer: for the live-in missionaries, our team of 20ish people, mostly from the midwest.  Ted and my travel safety.  Mosquitoes, malaria, bad water, theft.  The village we are working in, the relationship we build


We've been serving at the orphanage for several years now.  Though some kids have come and gone, I love how there are still some of the same kids.  Even if they forget me, the re-knowing is quick as they are eager to give and accept love (except the girls, they all remember to hate me).  Here we will be holding a VBS and also working to put the final touches on the hospice (full-time care for disabled children).  But as much as I enjoy the kids and encouraging the saints, there is a greater burden for the area.  I wish we could do more.  So some of my prayers have been to develop:

1)  Talk to the local neighborhood community and share the gospel

2)  Many of the kids grow up and because of lack of opportunity, turn to crime.  Teach English so that they have a greater chance at finding work.

2b) Setting up an education fund to send kids to college

3)  Relief in the way of food to those most in need.  This sort of came about after the earthquake left many of the poor unable to recover.

Prayer for: Funding to build a school, a factory and a larger orphanage.  Prayer to expand our work there.  The Missionary/pastor and his flock.  Our team of 15 people and that going changes our lives

My ultimate reasons for doing things like this has come about after wondering where exactly my place is in God's work.  I found I am not one who would go head a church plant or be as good with cold-turkey evangelism.  But I enjoy working with my hands and the relationships that service builds.  I hope that in this way, both my actions show the change that Christ has bought and allow opportunities to share the gospel.  In a perfect world, I'd like to use my job as a means to do this as well (and I'm working towards that, God willing), but I'm challenged to live the way God is showing me now, rather than when I get where I think I should be.

I'm struggling with love and the ability to show it.  I tend to avoid the vulnerability of loving more or first.  If you're getting this, it means you know me so that shouldn't come as a surprise (haha).  Selfishness is also always present.  Not just in terms of how I deal with other people, but most apparent when I put my own enjoyment over worship.  By nature, I'm always looking around for the next adventure, the next story and I can get easily bored.  So it's fighting for that true joy in Christ that needs to be done every day.  Finally, I am aware of the dangers that service presents me.  First that I value the work more than what the work is meant to point towards, that I think I'm earning something by the work and that I fall into a comfort zone and don't strive to share the gospel.

I've intentionally kept this short since I know all of you have 23983473 items in your google reader.  You won't be getting an e-mail while I'm in Nicaragua, but I'll have written one or two will send them after I get back.  I'm happy to receive both your prayer requests and to talk to you in more detail about any of this stuff as much of it is glossed over.

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[   ] Support in prayer for Daniel's trip

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